The Director of the Ośrodek “Pamięć i Przyszłość” (The “Remembrance and Future” Centre) wishes to announce a contest for a scholarship offered by the Western and Northern Territories Network Consortium for researchers from abroad.
The scholarship is aimed at people who are conducting research abroad in a topic related to the past and present of those territories attached to Poland in 1945.
Residing in one of the cities of the Western and Northern Territories Network will enable the recipient to access documents from the archives in Opole, Olsztyn, Szczecin, Wrocław, and Poznań and also gain familiarity with the state of Polish research in this area.
As part of the scholarship, the successful recipient(s) will be able to present their findings at a scholarly seminar.
The contest is addressed at a person who:
a. holds a nationality other than Polish,
b. is no older than 35 years of age,
c. is a graduate in the humanities or social sciences,
d. is conducting research abroad in a topic related to the past or the present of the Western and Northern Territories,
e. has a communicative knowledge of Polish and is fluent in English or German.
The scholarship can last from one to three months. During their stay at one of the Polish research centres listed in the Rules of the Western and Northern Territories Network Scholarship, the recipient will receive a monthly study grant of PLN 5,400 net.
To enter the contest, a candidate must send to by 15 January 2019 a completed application with all the necessary attachments according to §6 of the Rules of the Western and Northern Territories Network Scholarship.
The list of scholarship winners will be publicly announced on the website of the Western and Northern Territories Network ( The winners will be notified by email.
Detailed information about the rules for applications and fulfilment of the scholarship are included in the Rules of the Western and Northern Territories Network Scholarship. If you have any questions, please contact us:
Szukaj książek
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